Crafting Timeless Stories: The Art and Engineering of Dining Tables

Crafting totally unique Dining Tables

In the heart of Southern California, in our dusty yet cozy workshop in Buena Park, engineering precision is being married with artistic flair on a daily basis.  But we’re in-particularly proud of a few dining tables we’ve churned out from our humble carpentry shop.  In a span a 9 months we have unveiled a collection of dining tables that put a twist on the traditional dining experience.  From the extreme concepts and to the throwbacks of a rustic style, we have traversed some very diverse styles dressed in some mighty fine woods. Each table is not just a piece of furniture; it's a carefully crafted story of design, craftsmanship, and customer collaboration. Join us on a journey through the details, challenges, and the passion that brings these tables to life.

Embracing Tradition… or maybe don’t?

Almost all our tables start off with inspiration from a traditional style, for example our rustic dining table, the “Homestead Reverie”, captures the essence of rural charm while infusing modern design elements, such as chunky square legs, and a simplified skirt and frame.  Sometimes we need to tweak certain elements to update and improve.  For example, our farmhouse table was make with extra bulk, with an added quarter inch of wood at the table top, and and extra half inch in the leg profiles.  Why did we do this?  Because it made sense from a design standpoint, I looked at a model and proportions of the design and extra thickness in certain areas made the aesthetic pop.  With more chunk and girth, the design made more sense.  Its like seeing a skinny hippo, it just didn’t make sense.  Overall the design is very much a traditional, and dare I say somewhat vanilla, but in a vanilla is always tasty kind of way we just added nuts and a few cherries. 

At the other end of the design spectrum, is the “Tre Pezzi” our modern-breaking all the rules-dining table.  This design took all of its design cues from a client that wanted way out of this world lines and angles.  From that custom job comes a production version that is based on geometric shapes and a profile that seems to defy gravity.  Is it somewhat impractical?  Of course, but if your interior motif calls for the impractical than this is that design that will tie all the craziness together and make it all function.  I doubt I would have been inspired to create such table that would without the insistence of a client that demanded the unique and unconventional.  In this sense we have no traditional design to follow, the way the table is assembled and finished was push into new territory.  Even the way we cut and joined the wood took a bit of a engineering approach.  It is enjoyable to push into a new design frontier, stressful indeed, but rewarding none the less.       

Craftsmanship and Materials

Every piece that we design is takes a lot of consideration as to how it is designed and ultimately crafted into life.  All of our wood is prepared and bonded by hand, there is not industrial processes, chemicals, or stickers to make something other than wood, look like wood.  At the A.M. Contemporary we work with the real stuff.  All we have in our shop are cutters, glue, and oil, and a ton of sanding paper.  All this contributes to the robust construction of, not only our tables, but all the products that are born within our shop walls. The solid wood legs, or triangle base, are sturdy because of the artisan tradition that we abide by.  Being able to manipulate wood into the shapes and contours of the design is a testament to meticulous craftsmanship. A big part of or design process is the material section process.  For example, in the design of our “Homestead Reverie” Farmhouse table we were going for a rustic look.  For this we decided on poplar.  The use of poplar, an economic and sturdy wood, adds longevity to the table, ensuring it lasts for generations.  We didn’t want to make a table from Walnut or Cherry, and have to stain or color ti hide its natural brilliance.  It was much simpler to choose a wood with almost no color to it, and add the tones that we intend.  Poplar is like a blank canvas and I’ve had some great luck in achieving the tones I need from it.  The finished design of “Homestead Reverie” is truly unique, not quite walnut, somewhat teak.  Its dark in some areas in the grain swirl, and dark in other.  What we wanted was something totally unique and in this regard we got exactly what we wanted. 

Final Words

In conclusion, our dining tables are more than just pieces of furniture. They are stories waiting to be told, a fusion of engineering excellence, craftsmanship challenges, and customer-centric design. It's not just about what the table looks like; it's about the memories it holds and the experiences it promises.  Hardwood furnishings stand out as an excellent investment due to their timeless appeal and enduring quality. When you choose hardwood furniture, you're not just acquiring a functional piece; you're investing in a legacy. Hardwood, with its inherent strength and durability, ensures that your furniture will withstand the test of time, becoming an heirloom that can be passed down through generations. Moreover, each hardwood piece is unique, bearing distinct patterns and grain that tell a story of nature's artistry. The investment goes beyond aesthetics; it extends to the satisfaction of owning something truly one-of-a-kind. As the owner, you become part of the narrative, shaping the character of the furniture with your experiences and creating a connection that transcends the utilitarian aspect of a mere dining table. Hardwood furnishings, therefore, become a personalized expression of taste, longevity, and the enduring value of craftsmanship. 


an approach to design - the basics